BRITE - Brazilians Innovating on the Teaching of English

Provider in the state of Piaui since 2022

Impactful Projects

Empowering individuals and underrepresented communities, promoting inclusion and diversity.

Human Rights Project for Quilombola Communities

Successfully implemented with significant impact from 2020 to 2023, funded by the U.S. government.

Projeto Sementes de Proteção de Defensores de Direitos Humanos -Piaui

Projetos executados com eficácia, recursos gerenciados de forma eficiente para impacto nas OSC que integram o MNDH no Estado do Piaui

Projetos Impactantes

Capacita indivíduos e comunidades sub-representadas, promovendo inclusão e diversidade.

a group of people holding signs in the air
a group of people holding signs in the air
a group of people holding a sign that says elephant in the womb
a group of people holding a sign that says elephant in the womb
a person holding a sign that says no farmers no food
a person holding a sign that says no farmers no food